Retired members event

Our inaugural retired members event!

Wednesday 10th July at 2.30pm at Harewood House Plympton.

We have emailed out to those we could see as registered as retired on the website, however we want to make sure that everyone is aware!
Are you a HASSRA member that is now retired?  If so, we are running an event at Harweood House, there will be free tea, coffees and squash together with scones and other cakes.  If anyone has any special dietary needs please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.

As well as a social event we will ask for any ideas on how the group goes forward and what sort of events and activities would be of interest.  For those who are unable to attend please feel free to email us prior to the event and we can add your thoughts to any discussion.  There should be at least 3 committee members present together with some HASSRA goodies.
If you haven't seen our email and and are interested in attending (this one or future events) please email Lloyd Hills <>
