The Emley Round 10.5 Mile Walk

The Emley Round 10.5 Mile Walk

HASSRA Leeds Walking Club & HASSRA Y&H

The Emley Round 10.5 miles Saturday 6th July 2024

The Arqiva Tower, more usually known as the Emley Moor Mast is visible from all over Yorkshire which is unsurprising when you consider it is the tallest free-standing structure in the UK and 25th tallest in the world at 319m.

Construction of the Grade II listed tower began in 1969, following the collapse of the previous structure and TV broadcasting commenced in 1971.

The walk is mostly tracks and fields, following parts of the Emley Boundary, and Kirklees Way with glimpses of the Kirklees Light Railway. Starting at the highest point, in the shadow of the mast, the first half of the walk is mostly downhill and the second half mostly up, but neither is steep.

Meeting Time and Place:, the walk commences from  Thorncliffe Tasting Rooms, 1 Westfield Lane, Huddersfield, HD8 9SZ. The café is open from 8:30 for breakfast and the walk will commence at 10:00 as the carpark closes at 16:00.

Parking is available; please park in the furthest corner from the entrance and car share where possible because the car park is decent sized but Thorncliffe gets very busy.

Transport: there is no public transport to the start of this walk, if you would like, or can offer, a lift please contact the walk leader with details of where from.

Lunch: Walkers should bring a packed lunch, snacks, a hot drink and plenty of cold drinks.

Clothing: The terrain may be muddy and uneven in parts so appropriate footwear will be needed and parts of the walk are overgrown with nettles/­brambles. The walk crosses open farmland; given the unpredictable Yorkshire weather, please wear / bring suitable clothing/layers for both hot and cold, wet conditions.

HASSRA Subsidies: A refund for any travel costs incurred including train, parking and petrol is available to HASSRA Y&H members. Please submit your expense claim with relevant receipts after the event.

Please let Luisa Panetta know by close on Thurs 4th July at the latest if you will be joining the walk, and Fri  28th June if would like or can offer a lift, (email at mobile 07757 739096).
