HASSRA North East Festivals

HASSRA Festivals 2025

 Friday 4th – Sunday 6th July 2025  

EOI's now open to apply to take part in the following events -

Archery, Badminton, Coarse Angling, Crown Green Bowls, Drama (TBC), Five a Side Football, Foot Golf, Gym Based Triathlon, GK Quiz, Pictionary, Mixed Rounders, Tennis / Pickleball (TBC), Wild Swimming / Paddle Boarding.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact HASSRA.NORTHEASTFESTIVALS@DWP.GOV.UK with a seperate email for each event you are interested in. Your details will be shared with the regional organiser for information regarding regional qualifier events, or if places will be allocated following an expression of interes

 This is an expression of interest and does not guarantee a place. You must be available to travel on Fri 4th July 2025 so please book your annual leave now to ensure your availability. However: Please do not register your attendance on HASSRA live until your place is confirmed by North East festivals committee

 Thank you and good luck.

Please keep an eye on the HASSRA North East Sporting events page for qualifier events for the September festival due to take place on  Friday 5th – Sunday 7th September 2025.

EOI's for September where a qualifier is not required will not be accepted until after July's participants have been finalised (Date TBC) If you email interest before this, your email will not be considered. 
