Dawson & Sanderson - Holiday Currency Offer

Dawson & Sanderson

DS 1 (002)

Dawson & Sanderson would like to offer a preferential rate currency offer for HASSRA members in our HASSRA region.

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Dawson & Sanderson, one of the UK's oldest independent travel agency chains, celebrated our 61st year of operations in December 2023.

Established in 1962, Dawson & Sanderson began as a travel agency in Ashington in the northeast of England, and since then, we have expanded with branches across the northeast, as well as Yorkshire, Humberside, and Cumbria.

Our currency exchange service is designed for your convenience. We offer excellent commission-free rates on popular currencies like Euros and US Dollars, available on demand, with most other currencies ready within 24/48 hours. 

We also operate a further outlet in Newcastle under the Holiday Money Shop brand. This is a stand-alone Foreign Currency Exchange in Eldon Square Shopping Centre in Newcastle.

The offer is not online and is only accessible in person, and to receive preferential rates, HASSRA members simply present their membership card at the time of purchase at any of their stores. (Where can I find my Membership Card?)

It is not possible to give details of the preferential rates for HASSRA members as currency rates fluctuate daily.

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