HASSRA East of England
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HASSRA East of England Members
Chairs – Christmas/Festive Message
As we come to the end of 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate some highlights and thank yous
This year has been enormously successful, we have seen two successful National Festivals, more prizes spent on Regional competitions, increasing numbers of participants in our Golf Society Days and Fishing competitions and a host of innovative and traditional events held by local clubs.
All of this would not be possible without our excellent Board of Management, Local Club volunteers and Event organisers. Please continue to support these events and enjoy great comradery and fun. A big thank you from me and all our members to those involved in this.
We have some exciting new events being planned for 2025, including Butlins weekend, Awards/AGM evening and a charitable event (similar to our successful 3 Peaks challenge earlier this year).
This leaves me to wish all our HASSRA East of England Members and their families and friends an enjoyable Festive Period
Stephen Lankester
HASSRA East of England Chair
HASSRA East of England Chair’s Update -
I would like to take this opportunity to update all our EoE HASSRA members of what’s happening over the first part of this calendar year.
The region is in a very healthy position re: Finances and will continually support Local Clubs and create Competitions for all members to enter. In 2023 we gave out prizes to the value of £11,160
I would also encourage you all to regularly use HASSRA Live Welcome to HASSRA – there are so many Competitions, Offers and information for you to read through.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with our local clubs so please if interested contact members of your local committees
We will be having our AGM on Wednesday 20th March and will be setting out our ambitions and plans for the new year
Stephen Lankester