Chair of Finance Sub Committee

It is recommended that all regional BOMs have their own Finance Sub Group (FSG).

Respon­­sibi­­lities of the group should be set by the regional BOM/COM but at the very least they should check the quarterly RFM report against agreed expenditure and report any variations to the regional BOM.

One of the main respon­­sibi­­lities of the region is to ensure that all local clubs are operating in line with the staff clubs guidance. (internal DWP use only) https://­­intranet.­­dwp.­­gov.­­uk/­­page/­­staff-clubs-guide-hassra-and-affiliated-clubs  

It is important that all clubs provide audited end of year accounts within the specified time frames. The FSG/BOM/COM will recommend any action required where clubs have not been able to provide annual audited accounts.
