Volunteers – We Need You

 HASSRA NESLC - Volunteers Needed

   Newcastle Estate Sports and Leisure Club (NESLC) are looking for more volunteers to help with various activities including:

• Organising social trips

• Helping with sports events

• Promoting NESLC throughout the Newcastle Estate

• Helping out with committee meetings.

The list is endless, we want to expand our network of volunteers, NESLC covers:

• Benton Park View - Longbenton

• Waterview Park - Washington

• Durham House - Washington

• Tyneview Park - Newcastle

Any help you can give would be appreciated as the club can only continue to run if more volunteers come forward, so no matter how little the time is you can give it will be a bonus to us. You can volunteer to organise an event or activity on behalf of NESLC. This could be anything from Paint Balling, Go Karting, setting up a Lending Library or an Arts & Crafts day – it’s entirely up to you!

If you can think of something we should be organising then let us know or better still JOIN US and organise it yourself so to help us contact the NESLC secretary Sylvia Kinney. Email: sylvia.kinney@dwp.gov.uk
