Help us shape HASSRA London!

New Board of Management members required.

We are always looking to attract new members for the BOM and are asking for volunteers to join the team.

We are especially looking for volunteers in the following areas:

- someone, DWP based, to oversee our communications (the e-mail is based in DWP so can only be accessed by someone with DWP system access)   

- someone with good IT skills to look after the London pages on the HASSRA website (the web pages can be accessed via any computer so the position is open to any member) 

- representatives from all each of our component Departments

- organisers for individual events, such as Badminton, Table Tennis, etc.

The BOM position does not attract any facility time although Special Leave is available in certain circumstances, and all out of pocket expenses are covered.

If any member wishes to put their name forward for any of the BOM vacancies, would like any more information or would like to attend a future BOM meeeting to see what is involved just notify us via the HASSRA London in-box (HASSRA.LONDON@DWP.GOV.UK) with a brief outline of their experiences. 
