HASSRA Wales AGM 2025

meetingThe HASSRA Wales AGM, 2025, will be a virtual event on Thursday 13th March 2025 between 11.00 and 12.00.

All members are welcome to attend and all local clubs are encouraged to send at least one nominated representative.

The AGM is an important part of how HASSRA Wales functions and is an opportunity for those attending to find out more about how HASSRA works, what we have achieved in the last year and what our plans are for the future.

It's also the meeting where we: 

  • Get to hear from our HASSRA Wales President (or someone representing them)
  • elect our Wales Board of Management
  • elect HASSRA Wales Reps and delegates to other organisations (such as CSSC) and events (such as HASSRA National conference)
  • elect organisers for Wales sports and activities
  • put forward motions to make changes to how HASSRA Wales works

If you're interested in attending as a representative of your local club , please speak with your local committee  for agreement. Your local committe will be able to share joining details with you.
