Meet your reps

Clearbrook House

 Nikki Densham (was Smith) – Chair

me again

I have been involved with HASSRA for about 10 years now (although have been a member for 30!) and have been chair of the Plymouth club since March 2020.   I absolutely  love HASSRA, you can get great value from your monthly subs at a local, regional or national level!    For less than the price of a cup of coffee there is so much available to you, take a look around the website, I can almost guarantee there will be an offer or a discount that you haven’t seen before!  

Carlie Richards


 I have been a HASSRA member for over 10 years!  I have also been lucky enough to represent HASSRA at the national festival for netball. This is a fantastic event and I would encourage anyone to get involved: ) I love the benefits of being a HASSRA member as there is literally something for everyone! Shopping trips, spa days, family days out, holidays discounts etc….what’s Not to love??

Louise Doherty


I have worked for the DWP for 20 years and been a HASSRA member for all that time, originally it was just to get the cheap cinema tickets but there is so much more on offer!

I’ve made so many savings over the years and been lucky enough to represent the South West at the national festivals for rounders, it’s the best weekend ever! I’ve had so many great days out, discounts and won some great prizes all for £2.45 per month!

I’ve been a HASSRA Rep for around 10 years now and I love promoting all the different benefits we have to offer. Get looking around HASSRA Live and see what HASSRA can do for you!

Tina Petherbridge

Lisa-Marie Armstrong

Sarah Weatherill

I have been a Hassra member for over 20 years and decided to try something new and join the committee.

I’ve made use of numerous benefits over the years, cheaper cinema tickets, cashback events, Tastecard and the coffee Club.  My favourite thing about Hassra has to be the various trips on offer, having done a few.  I’ve even won a couple of prizes in the free online draws and competitions.

I’m looking forward to getting involved in organising events and meeting more of our members.

Tracey Couchman - Treasurer


I have been a Hassra member for over 20 years now and a committee member for about 7 years. 

I have made so many savings over the years using my Hassra account, and to be honest I think the amount I save each year is more than I actually pay!!! 

It feels great to be able to put on things for members, like the discounted theatre shows, shopping trips and I love the freebies like strawberries and cream, advent calendar and the free Bingo, in addition to the donations of funds for the well-being room and events. 

We are always looking for new ideas so please let us know what you would like.

Felicity Nicholson


I joined HASSRA in 2016 when I first joined the Civil Service and joined the committee a couple of years ago because I LOVE HASSRA!!!

I originally joined HASSRA just for cheap cinema tickets – but there is so much more!!! There are offers, discounts and cashback for everyone, competitions and raffles-a-plenty, and lots of days out and trips away!!!

The HASSRA festivals in Warwick in July and September are an incredible free weekend away representing HASSRA South West - and you get to meet some amazing people from HASSRA all over the country! If you haven’t been to one – you should!!!

Old Tree Court

Steve Huntley

 I  joined HASSRA in 2022, and then joined the Committee Board to shout about the fantastic array of benefits. Your local HASSRA team are really passionate about involving members, and providing lots of amazing competitions, days out, benefits and discounts. Not long after joining I used HASSRA to get a discount on a holiday, and that one single discount alone offset my entire years’ membership! For very little each month, you can very, very easily save more than the membership cost just in discounts, and that’s not even including all of the opportunities to win prizes and money through the HASSRA raffles, competitions and lottery! The more members we have, the more we can do for each one of our members, so I encourage everyone to shout about HASSRA and join us asap if you’re not yet a member.

Harriet Box
Recruited by fellow rep Rachel when we worked in the jobcentre in Plymouth together, I quickly joined Hassra and have been enjoying the benefits ever since!

I am a keen shopper and love a bargain, so it only seemed fair I put myself forward as a rep and am looking forward to getting involved and helping to run the competitions and events that our members love!

I also have two small children so again I am always looking for ways to save money on days out and Hassra enables me to do just that! If you are not already a member, then you are missing out!

I am happy to approach businesses we are not currently affiliated with so if there is something you would like to see on our list please let me know!
Lisa Clapham


Tara Thomas


I have worked for the DWP now for nearly 18 years and been a HASSRA member for all that time! It's only been the last year that I stepped up and became the HASSRA rep for Devonport JCP and I'm loving it!

I'm trying to bring a fresh new outlook to HASSRA at Devonport and increase our memberships where possible – any suggestions please contact me 😊 I’m hoping you are all enjoying the goodies from Christmas, Random act of kindness day and now Easter.

I secretly love to do all the free HASSRA weekly and monthly competitions online too, I have won some gift cards as prizes along the way too.  I always make use of the cashback offers and cinema discounts.

Moving forward in 2023 we’re hoping to organise a quiz night and a shopping trip to Cardiff….. Watch this space!


Malcolm Moyes
My name is Malcolm and been hanging around DWP since 2002

Once you’ve meet me I’m not easily forgettable 😊

Been a HASSRA member from Day Dot and recently joined the committee to help fill the void in Liskeard.

Regular user of the cinema tickets but have really enjoyed the panto trips and looking to get more involved in 2024. 

I see Hassra as an important organisation for wellbeing and plus good deals.


Lisa Borthwick - Secretary


I have been a HASSRA member for 19 years and have served on the Plymouth committee for 8 years and I am the club secretary, I also serve on SW Regional Committee.

I regularly compete in HASSRA local, regional and national events. I love all things HASSRA and I enjoy playing sports - Netball, Rounders and Golf and making the most of the HASSRA offers and competitions.

Rebekah Austin


Hello! My name is Bekah and I have been a Hassra member since 2021.

I now work for VOA and am proud to be a local Hassra representative for the office 😊

For less than £3 a month you can easily save on your monthly membership cost using our wide range of discounts and offers – no brainer, right?!

To name just a few of our incredible offers, we have our free Coffee Club membership, discounts on holidays, spa breaks and gym membership discounts.

We also host a wide range of competitions each month where you can enter to win a range of prizes, such as food hampers, cash prizes and days out!

If we can increase the number of members we have, we can achieve and do so much more for our members. ❤

If you know of a colleague who isn’t already a Hassra member, give them a nudge!

If you have any ideas/feedback about events, competitions, trips or any other suggestions, please contact myself or the Hassra team!

Lisa Stanger

I became a member of HASSRA over 10 years and I have recently joined the committee. I have enjoyed a few trips away with HASSRA especially shopping trips, I use the cinema tickets quite regularly and received theatre ticket refunds. There is always something for everyone and who doesn’t enjoy a competition!

If you have an idea for a trip, as we are always looking for new ideas, please contact me or the HASSRA team any time.

Associate or Retired 

Rachel Cain


When I was 17, working at the CSA, a crazy lady asked me if I could catch, throw, and would want to play rounders….was signed up on the spot & have been a HASSRA member ever since….over 20 years ago!   I joined the committee several years go and just love being involved with planning events, trips, competitions etc for our members.

I recently left DWP but I was not going to leave my HASSRA membership or committee involvement behind, so ensured I kept it going.

I take full advantage of the offers HASSRA present, basically checking the discount list before I go anywhere/buy anything -gotta love a saving eh! I also enter all raffles, competitions etc and have won some great prizes. I have taken part in every Festival as they are such good fun, great way to make friends and there really is something for everyone…..I am yet to win the HASSRA Lottery but know people that have….hoping my day will come! 😊

HASSRA membership at £2.45 per month is such a great deal….just by attending 1 event or utilising the cashback scheme, you have your membership back for the year, why not get involved?

Tyler King


My name is Tyler, and I’ve been a HASSRA Member for four years now and joined the committee early 2022.

I love a good competition, and a great discount – so of course I’m HASSRA member! I think the money I’ve saved on cinema tickets alone could pay my HASSRA membership twice over, so I recommend it to everyone.

I’m usually behind the posters, graphics, and the tinkering with some fun things our HASSRA page. The team put on such amazing events, so I love being able to help them spread the message to all our members! 

Lloyd Hills


Hello my name is Lloyd.  I joined DHSS as it was in 1983 and HASSRA very shortly afterwards.  I was treasurer for the Old Tree Court HASSRA club for many years and have seen what a great job HASSRA does for members. I carried on as an associate member when I joined the VOA and joined the committee when the VOA became part of the HASSRA family. Since January 2023 I have been a retired member. 

I have enjoyed a number of trips away with HASSRA, theatre ticket refunds and use the cinema tickets quite regularly.  I am also a big fan of the monthly quiz and have even been lucky enough to win a £20 voucher a couple of times.  

I look forward to meeting as many members as possible over the coming years.

Yvonne Roberts 

I have been a HASSRA member for over 25 years and a commitee number for 10 years.

I have enjoyed participating in the online quizzes and cookery demonstrations. I have saved monies on theatre and shopping trips and kids activities during school holidays.

I organise the annual Panto tickets at the Theatre Royal alongside the kids Xmas party.

If you have any feedback or ideas for future events please email Plymouth HASSRA.
Pete Smith
