Activity Alliance at the Festivals

HASSRA have been looking at how we can make our events even more inclusive and accessible to everyone.

We know that many of our local club and regional volunteers already take into account disability access when organising trips and events.

However, we wanted to see if there’s more we as could do to adapt our sports and activities to enable disabled/less abled members to take part.

We have therefore asked Activity Alliance along to both our July and September Festivals.

They aim to make a real difference by gathering insight, sharing expertise, and delivering programmes and events.

By bringing organisations and disabled people together they can create a fairer society for everyone.

A place where everyone can be active however and wherever they want to be... HASSRA shares this aim and so at the July and September Festivals we will have Inclusion Zones set up so disabled and able-bodied members can try some inclusive sports.

Activity Alliance Logo_Strap_RGB

September Festival Inclusion zone games:

Strike! – Ten pin bowling / Boccia - Aligned with Crown Green Bowls

How high can you score! – Polybat/Table Cricket - Aligned with Table Tennis

Hit the Target! – Football goal games - Aligned with walking football

Shuffle Strike! – New age hurling - Aligned with TP Bowling

Learn about practical tools to support inclusive delivery of physical activity. Understand how to apply Activity Alliance's Ten Principles in your work Access resources to support their activity sessions .

Understand how to apply a range of tools to make activities more inclusive. Increase their confidence and competence to include disabled people in activities.  

Reflect on current delivery and identify how to improve fairness for disabled people in sport and activity. Access further support, training and opportunities for them and disabled people we work with.

We have also procured on-line training delivered by Activity Alliance for all event organisers, national, regional and clubs to give them an insight to increase confidence in delivering inclusive physical activity. Embedding inclusive practice into organisations.  

This is our first step to making our events more inclusive.

Our approach is not to try and have sports events exclusively for disabled members but to make adjustments to the way we deliver our existing events so that everyone can take part.
