
Venue and Timings

This will be an all-day event on Saturday 6th September.

It will take place in the Library (room 2) on the University Campus, a short walk from the HASSRA Reception.

Event Format and Rules

This is a National Championship event.

Each region will be invited to enter two repre­sen­ta­tives.

The competition will be a 5-round with a time control of 25 minutes per player plus 5 second increments from move one.

FIDE Laws of Chess will apply. Games should last around a maximum of one hour or slightly longer.

Any play-off will be at a faster speed – possibly 10 minutes plus 5 second increments from move one.

A full set of rules will be issued to all competitors prior to the event.

Kit and Equipment

Chessboards, clocks and stationery will be provided.

Lunch will be provided and refreshments will be available to purchase.

Further Information

For further information about participation in this event or the regional qualifier, please contact your Regional Event Manager, details of which can be found on our Festivals page.
