HASSRA Diversity and Inclusion Statement

1. HASSRA is committed to providing a programme of membership benefits and services which embrace diversity and inclusion.

2.  As a membership association we are committed to building an inclusive environment in which everyone:

  • feels a sense of belonging and can be themselves
  • is respected, empowered and supported
  • is treated fairly at all times.

3. Our goal is to ensure these commitments are embedded in:

  • HASSRA’s aims and objectives
  • day-to-day management of the Association
  • planning and delivery of membership benefits and services.

4. As an inclusive association we will not tolerate discrimination.  Our policies and practices are fully inclusive of all members and volunteers regardless of personal circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • age, working-pattern and caring respon­sibi­lities
  • disability and long-term health conditions
  • sex and sexual orientation
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race, ethnicity, nationality
  • religion and belief
  • gender identity expression or reassignment
  • relationship status, marital status and civil partnership.

These are commonly known as protected charac­te­ristics.

5. We will demonstrate our commitment by:

  • promoting diversity and inclusion within our local office clubs and regional and national associations and affiliates.
  • treating our members and volunteers fairly and with respect, and fostering an inclusive environment where different perspectives and member experiences are valued.
  • promoting an environment free from discrimination, bullying and harassment, and taking action where such unacceptable behaviour exists, in accordance with the HASSRA Conduct and Discipline Policy.
  • ensuring our members and volunteers have access to reasonable adjustments or additional support to enable them to access our membership benefits and services.
  • aiming to build a membership and a volunteer cadre which reflects the diversity of people within our eligible employment groups and retired membership.
  • carrying out inclusion checks in the planning and delivery of membership benefits and services.
  • collecting and utilising data to monitor the impact of our Diversity and Inclusion Statement and to inform future decisions, changes and membership benefits and services.
  • having diversity and inclusion champions on national and regional boards of management to ensure our policies are taken into account in all decision making.

6. Every member of the Association has a personal responsibility for implementing and promoting this Diversity and Inclusion Statement commitments in their day-to-day dealings with members and association partners. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.  

National HASSRA

Further information

HASSRA DIVERSITY & INCLUSION WORKPLAN 2024 (Incorporated to HASSRA National Work Programme 2024)



