Who makes the decisions?

Dawn Crow, Acting Head of National Operations, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Association. This includes strategy and business development, policy and governance, and programme development and delivery.

Dawn is supported by the HASSRA National Management Team: Robbie Miller (HASSRA Live Manager), Harvey Clarke (Head of Resources and Membership),­ Laura-Jade Heseltine (Head of Programme Development and Recruitment), Jen Richardson (National Business Manager) and Jacky Sneddon (Head of Commu­­nica­­tions and Marketing).

Robbie and his team manage the administration and ongoing development of the HASSRA Live customer management system.

Harvey and his team manage the national budget and investments, and provide support to regional associations in managing their budgets. They also administer membership services and the HASSRA Lottery.

Laura-Jade and her team manage the programme of national events, and provide support to regional associations in delivering their own programmes. They also undertake recruitment of new members.

Jen and her team are responsible for  MI, Data Collation & Analysis and National Board Secretariat.

Jacky and her team manage HASSRA’s marketing and commu­­nica­­tions, including the admi­­nis­­tra­­tion of the website and social media channels.

You can contact  DawnRobbieHarvey Laura-JadeJen or Jacky if you have any questions about any aspect of HASSRA.

You can also use the links below to find out more about HASSRA’s decision-making structures and business priorities.
