Claim cashback rules

HASSRA Wales Discount Scheme

HASSRA Wales Discount Scheme is open to all HASSRA Wales members and allows them to claim a post-event refund toward the ticket costs associated with attending Sporting or non-sporting events in the UK. It excludes costs of entry to permanent attractions such as theme parks, zoos, gardens, historic houses etc.

Claims MUST be made AFTER the event has been attended* 

Members can claim the full ticket(s) cost up to a maximum of £25 per claim per member. Tickets for the member, a guest and any of the member's children can count toward the maximum £25 per claim per member payable.

Proof (screen shots, photo or copies) of event tickets or the receipts for purchasing the tickets will need to be uploaded on the application in order for the rebate to be approved.

The scheme has been updated with changes that apply from 1st January 2024 as follows:

·       Costs toward attendance at Sporting events can be claimed**

·       Members can claim for 2 events per calendar year (01.01-31.12)

·       You must claim within 6 months of the event taking place.

·       Claims made before 31st January of the current year for any event within the preceding 6 months will count as a claim for the previous year where no claim for the previous year has been paid.

From 1st February of the current year any claim made for an event in the preceding 6 months will be counted as one of the member's two claim limit for the current year.

Some examples of what is payable:

·        You and your partner/guest attend an event and the cost of each ticket was £11.50. You can submit a claim for the full cost both of the tickets, £23 

·        You, your partner/guest and 2 children attend an event for which tickets are £7 each. You can submit a claim for all 4 tickets, costing £28 in total, and are entitled to be paid £25.

·        You and 2 friends attend an event for which tickets are £21 each. You submit a claim for yourself and one guest and are entitled to be paid £25

·        You and another HASSRA Wales member attend an event for which tickets are £24 each. You should each submit your own, individual claims and you would be entitled to claim the full cost of your own ticket, £24.

*Any claims made before the event will be rejected.  Early claims, that have been rejected on that basis, may be re-submitted after the event has been attended.

**Season tickets can be used to make a claim for one of a members two allowable claims.

HASSRA Wales Sports Participation Scheme

HASSRA Wales Sports Participation Scheme is open to all HASSRA Wales members and allows them to claim for some of the costs associated with participating in officially organised sporting events such as Marathons, Triathlons, Fun runs etc that take place in the UK. From 1st January 2024 HASSRA Wales members, twice per calendar year can reclaim up to £25 or 50% (whichever is the lesser amount) of entry fees for an organised sporting event in the UK. This scheme applies to the member participating in events and not partners, children or guests.

  • Claims should be submitted AFTER participation in the event and should be submitted with receipts or invoices for entry fees and evidence of participation, such as result sheets, timecards, certificate etc
  • Claims are limited to 2 claims per member per calendar year. 
  • Claims made before 31st January of the current year for any event within the preceding 6 months will count as a claim for the previous year where no claim for the previous year has been paid.
  • Amount claimed is limited to £25 or 50%, whichever is the lesser amount
  • The event must take place in the UK
