HASSRA Fylde Roll of Honour - Best Sportsman

The Controllers Cup - Sportsperson of the Year

This Cup is awarded to the HASSRA Fylde male member who has made the best achievements within HASSRA, and/or outside competition

- including CSSC in the year of nomination.

1980   Graham Schofield

 1981   Mrs J Halliday

1982   Martin Gale

1983   Ron Doyle

1984   Mrs Ann Bailey

1985   Peter Rogers 

1986   David Bibby

1987   John Horan

1988   Reg Smallbone

1989   Andy Goldspink

1990   Graham Schofield

1991   Jas Hans

1992   Andy Goldspink

1993   Nick Hume/Peter McNally

1994   Ian Davies

1995   Mike Wright

1996   Tony Airnes

1997   Phil Dawson

1998   Mike Docherty

1999   John Crahan

2000   Tony Croft

2001   Tony Airnes

 2002   Nick Hume

 2003   Anthony Cross

2004   Jas Hans

2005   Alistair Welsh

2006   Paul Whiteley

2007   Christopher Gale

2008   Ian Davies

2009   Richard Thomas

2010   Andrew Jones       

2011   Not Awarded

2012   Christopher Gale

2013   Ian Davies

2014   Christopher Gale

2015   Christopher Gale

2016   Tony Briggs

2017   Jordan Ferrer

2018   Nick Hume

 2019 Martin Gale

2020 Not Awarded

2021 Not Awarded
