Ten Pin Bowling Offer

HASSRA North West Ten Pin Bowling Offer 2024

HASSRA North West are offering a chance for you or your local club, to organise a Ten Pin Bowling event.  HASSRA North West will pay up to £15.00 per member for up to 2 games of Ten Pin Bowling. 

We are providing this offer with a purpose of 2 things, 

  1. a subsidised evening/­afternoon/­morning out with friends and colleagues.

  2. a qualifier to find representatives for Team NW for the HASSRA Festival in September*.

All you need to do is the following;

Arrange your event via your club or with a group of HASSRA members

The date MUST be between 1st and 31st July

Record the scores for each member that attended and provide them to HASSRA.NW@dwp.gov.uk along with your receipt/invoice for your games by 5th August to claim your rebate of up to £15.00 per person (if the cost is less we will cover the full cost, if the cost is more we will cover £15.00 per person MAX)

We will arrange for the rebate to be paid to either your club account for club organised events,  to an individual account for non-club organised events.

The highest scoring males and females will be invited to represent Team NW at the HASSRA Festivals national finals in September at Warwick University in Coventry.

*You are not committing yourself to represent Team NW by taking part.

So if you are interested, then don’t be a Turkey,  Strike whilst the iron is hot and make sure you are not left as a Spare.
