HASSRA Scotland Events

HASSRA Scotland organise a variety of sport and social events throughout the year. Check this page for the latest on any upcoming events.

For more information on HASSRA Scotland events, just email the HASSRA Scotland Events mailbox

Team Scotland @ HASSRA July Festival 2024

The  next HASSRA Festival will be held on Saturday 10th September, with the team travelling down on Friday 12th July, and returning on Sunday 14th July.

HASSRA Scotland are looking for expressions of interest to fill some of the events where we were unable to hold qualifiers.

If you are interested email your name and which event you wish to take part in to: HASSRA.Scotland@dwp.gov.uk

For more information on HASSRA Scotland events, just email the HASSRA Scotland Events mailbox

For comments/­issues/­suggestions on on the HASSRA Scotland intranet - please email  HASSRA Scotland webpage mailbox

Come back soon for updates on new events.
