South East Newsletters

Check out the latest news in the South East Region and click on the links below

July 2024 click here

June 2024 click here

May 2024 click here

April 2024 click here

March 2024 click here

February 2024 click here

January 2024 click here

December 2023 click here

November 2023 click here

October 2023 click here

September 2023 click here

August 2023 click here

July 2023 click here

June 2023 click here

May 2023 click here

April 2023 click here

March 2023 click here

February 2023 click here

January 2023 click here

If you want a copy of earlier Newsletters email Maggie by clicking here

Remember that you can have the South East HASSRA Newsletter sent to your preferred email address directly on the first of each month.

Sign up to or log into your HASSRA Live account and tick 'yes' to recieving Newsletters in your Profile.

Click here for further instructions
