Business Unit Grant

HASSRA Business Unit Grant

Do you manage, or are you part of, a geographically dispersed team?

Do you want to organise an activity to build team spirit and promote wellbeing?

Did you know that HASSRA can give you funding?

The HASSRA Business Unit Grant is here to help fund activities to drive up engagement with HASSRA members and potential new members in geographically dispersed teams and Business Units.

Things you need to know before applying:

To qualify for a Business Unit grant you must:

  • be a current HASSRA member.

  • be part of a geographically dispersed team. I.e. you have staff located in various locations which meets virtually over Microsoft Teams.  
  • be able to fully describe the details of the specific activity you would like funding for. 
  • be able to outline the costs you require help with. 
  • understand that all staff in the Business Unit, HASSRA members and non-members, can take part in your activity but you must be able to demonstrate how you will promote wellbeing and HASSRA. 
  • understand that if a grant is awarded, you will need to provide details of payments to be issued and to whom and provide receipts/­invoices as appropriate. [Please note that for governance reasons, a grant cannot be issued to one individual for onward re-distribution to one or more recipients.]

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Who can apply for a grant?

Managers of dispersed teams/Business Units can apply for a grant.

2.  Can I apply for a grant on behalf of my Business Unit manager?

Yes, provided that your Business Unit manager has given approval.

3. Do I need to be a HASSRA member to apply for a grant?

Yes. Only HASSRA members can apply for a grant on behalf of the Business Unit.

4. Does everyone in the team have to be a HASSRA member to take part in the activity?

No. Anyone can take part in your activity, but you must promote HASSRA to non-members.

5.  What kind of activities can I apply for funding for?

It’s up to you! You could bid for prize money for a quiz, puzzle or a raffle. Or prize money for an art or photography competition. Be creative! Instead of cash prizes, you could ask for some tickets from HASSRA’s online shop.

6. How much can I apply for?  

You can apply for as much as you need for your activity. However, the maximum will be determined by how many staff you have in the team. 

7. Can I apply for a grant if my Business Unit is not geographically dispersed?

No. However, you can approach your local HASSRA club who may be able to provide funding for your activity.

8. How many times can I apply for a grant?

As many times as you want! Each application will be considered on its merits, however the funds available may be limited.

9. Can I receive the grant in advance and use it to pay the necessary suppliers or other recipients from my personal bank account?

No. For governance reasons, we cannot issue a grant in advance to one individual for onward re-distribution to suppliers or other recipients. Advance payments can only be made directly to third parties.

10Can I receive the grant retrospectively to pay the necessary recipients myself from my personal bank account? 

Yes, you may pay for all the costs personally and receive the grant retrospectively upon production of receipts to verify all the costs you have incurred.

For further information, please contact the HASSRA Helpdesk 

To apply for a grant:
