Activities & Organisers



Each year we enter the mixed inter-association Indoor Cricket and are always on the lookout for players, especially you ladies. If you’d like to get involved or be part of the team, please get in touch with details of your level of play and experience. Remember all standards are welcome!

For more information, please contact our organiser Dave Philp or e-mail HASSRA South East with your details.



We are looking to expand our squad in anticipation of future competitions that the South East Netball Team enter, so if you want to get involved either as a player or official, get in touch!

For more information, please contact our Organiser Tracy Poling or e-mail HASSRA South East with your details.

Coarse Angling

Coarse Angling

Are you a keen angler? Then why not take part in the South East events, taking place throughout the year, with the opportunity to take part in Inter-Regional and National Events.

For more information, please e-mail our Organiser Dave Handley on or email HASSRA South East with your details.



Did you know that HASSRA South East run a Golf Society, open to all our Members? The society meets several times a year on excellent courses and welcomes both Male and Female players.

For more information, please e-mail the Golf Society Secretary, Richard Mole or e-mail HASSRA South East


bowls squareAre you interested in Bowls, be it Flat Green, Indoor or even Crown? South East run events each year as well as entering teams into both Indoor and Crown Green competitions.

If you are interested please contact: Chris Rolph at  or e-mail HASSRA South East



Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Fancy trying your skills with a bat? South East hold regular events and are always looking for new players, male and female and all standards welcome.

If you are interested, contact HASSRA South East

Ten Pin Bowling

Ten Pin Bowling

Good with your spares? enjoy the noise of a strike? We are always looking for players to represent us at the National finals.

If you are interested send an email to HASSRA South East for more information. Also don’t forget our Local Tenpin event subsidy scheme – see our Events page for full details



Interested in Darts and fancy trying your luck? We are always looking for more players to attend our annual Darts event.

Why not email our Organiser, Dave Philp in readiness for our next competition. You never know how good you are until you give it a go!

DartsHi! I'm Justin
