Home & Garden


Why choose us ?

We’re a company that empowers and celebrates our customers.

We want to take you on a journey of self care, whether it’s using our essential oil blends, bath salts, candles.

Being the best version of ourselves and taking time out is super important. But not only that, enabling our homes to be an expression of life and personality.

​We don't endorse fast fashion trends, but sustainable purchases that add colour and flare for a lifetime.

Being as eco conscious as possible is always our goal - but we’re not perfect and we don’t pretend to be. We up-cycle, recycle, reuse and refill.

We promise to always think about our eco footprint and strive to do better .

Visit our website HERE

Fylde members receive a 15% discount on purchases, just input the code "HASSRA" when ordering.


Impressed washing and irong service is a local domestic servicehelping customers keep on top of their domestic laundry needs. Visit their Facbook page here or email impressed@gmail.com or telephone: 07387 560947

Fylde members receive a 10% discount on purchases, show proof of membership on payment.
