Table Tennis

Table Tennis 

Date:   Tuesday 8 April 2025
Location:   Halifax Table Tennis Centre                                                                       
Apply:   Email the organiser via the Y&H inbox - see below
Closing Date:   Tuesday 1 April 2025

All participants must be HASSRA members. New members welcome.

All standards of play are welcome. Bats will be available to borrow.

Mens and Womens singles and doubles will be played depending on number of entries.

Play will commence at 10:15. Centre will be open from 9:30 for warm and soft drinks, registration and warm up.

Travel expenses are payable in line with the Y&H expenses guide

If a competitor has any special requirements – access, dietry etc please inform event organiser.

The singles events will be run on a group basis to enable plenty of matches and then followed by a knockout event depending on number of entries.

The doubles event will be a drawn event with partners selected in a ballot

There may be a plate event in the singles depending on the number of entrants

Prizes will be awarded to the winner and runner up of each event.

Hot and cold drinks will be available during the day and a buffet lunch will be provided during a suitable break in play.

The organiser will contact all participants at least five days prior to the event with directions to venue and any adjustments to details already advertised.

For further information or to book you place email HASSRA at - HASSRA.YORKSHIREANDHUMBERSIDE@DWP.GOV.UK

Not yet a HASSRA member? 1 minute is all it takes online. Visit www.­hassra.­org.­uk for all the benefits you can receive for £2.50 a month!
