Golf Society

If you are interested in the HASSRA South East Golf Society...

HASSRA South East has a thriving Golf Society which is open to any HASSRA South East member to join. Whether you are new to the game, an established player or somewhere in between, why not come along to one of our golf days for an enjoyable day out with a great group of people.

What can you expect? Well, all seven of the golf days below include coffee/bacon roll, 18 or 27 holes of golf followed by a one course meal. The cost for the golf day to each member is generally between £30 and £40 per person per event dependent upon the charge made by the individual golf club.

We currently enter teams in matches against other Regions and in CSSC events. With the help of the HASSRA grant we support the cost for all events to varying degrees to make them good value for money for the players.

Players can also qualify as part of the SE team at the HASSRA national event each year via our qualifying golf day. We try and arrange our golf days somewhere along the M25 corridor south of London as we have a large area to cover. We encourage car sharing to help keep costs down as current players come from most parts of the Region.

A taster day for anyone interested is planned for later in the year.

We welcome HASSRA members of all standards so, if you are an enthusiastic golfer or simply interested in finding out if golf is for you please get in touch for more details!

For anything you need to know please Click here to contact  Richard Mole
