Stainforth to Feizor & Back 7.5 mile

HASSRA Y&H and  Leeds Walking Club - Stainforth to Feizor & Back (7½ miles)

stainforth Force

Sunday 20th July

Meeting Time and Place  - 10:15 for a 10:30 start in the car park at Stainforth (located by the second entrance to the village) cost: £5.50. https://­maps.­app.­goo.­gl/­wkKH1C7HL­qpeBW9i7

The Walk - The walk begins along the riverside, taking in the famous Stainforth Force where the salmon leap every autumn.  The walk then moves uphill with wonderful views of the Ribble Valley and Pen-y-Ghent in the distance.  The climb out of Ribblesdale eventually leads to views across the western Dales towards Austwick and Clapham, with the mountains of the Lake District in the far distance.  We then arrive in Feizor for lunch at the famous Elaine's Cafe.

Clothing -  The terrain may be muddy and uneven in parts so appropriate footwear will be needed.  Given the unpredictable weather, please bring/wear suitable clothing/­layers.
The return part of the walk to Stainforth takes us through some of the most spectacular limestone country in the Dales, with beautiful  views over Ribblesdale again at the end. For those wanting some liquid refreshment at the end, the Craven Heifer pub in Stainforth offers an excellent pint of Thwates bitter.

Lunch  - Walkers can bring a packed lunch if they don’t want to eat at Elain’s Café.

Could those intending to join the walk please confirm by close on Friday 19 July with the walk leader Jerry Bird, either by email on or by phone on 07940540806.
