
Venue and Timings

This will be an all-day event and will take place on the University Campus on Saturday July 13th.

10am -12am Saturday.

There will be course run by an outside organisation called Living Streets, they are a charity who’s mission is to achieve a better walking envirnment, and to inspire people to walk more. 

The course will give all of our participants the kowledge and skills to take away and be able to organise walks for their regions/clubs. ( I think they will receive a certificate at the end of the course) 

The course will be held in The Radcliffe Business Centre.  

Lunch will be 12 -1pm.  

The event organiser  will advise where to meet for a walk around the campus. The timing for the walk will be 1-3pm.

There are a number of walking routes to select from, and we will send these to Della to decide which will be the best terrain for our members
