HASSRA Total Losers

HASSRA Total Losers

The closing date for entries for this event has passed. If you wish to attend please contact the event organiser for further advice.
Date 1 Jun 2024 – 1 Jun 2025
Closing date for entries 1 Jun 2024
Category Other
Type Club (HASSRA King's Lynn, East of England)
Organiser Louise Ramasso
Email louise.ramasso@dwp.gov.uk
Phone 07572360180
Location Kings Court, Chapel Street, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1EX
Price FREE
HASSRA Total Losers is a place for you to contribute your own tips and help others by sharing experiences that you’ve had whilst on your journey to losing weight and improving your health. It is a highly valuable, collaborative resource for you to both gain and offer weight loss support. Share any concerns, ask questions and celebrate victories with one another – you never know who you might inspire with your progress, or who might inspire you!
The group will operate over WhatsApp and we can motivate and encourage each other by sharing and participating as much or as little as you want. You may want to share your weekly weight loss to help you keep on track or a new recipe that’s tastes amazing but is low fat.
We will share blogs, apps, websites and stories and much more. We can use the group to arrange some exercise like park run or a lunchtime walk. The choice is ours. Being in frequent contact with like-minded people on a similar journey to you is a great motivator, as everyone knows exactly how you’re feeling. Whether you’re sharing recent weight loss success or having a down day, there will always be someone within the weight loss support group to celebrate with you or offer kind words of encouragement.
The group is totally free and I hope between us we do become total losers!