Summer Scavenger Hunt!

Summer Scavenger Hunt!

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Date 14 – 16 Aug 2024
Closing date for entries 15 Aug 2024
Category Other
Type Club (HASSRA Bridgend, Wales)
Organiser Helen Boyce
Phone 00000000000
Location Llangewydd Arms, Broadlands, Gentle Way, Bridgend, CF31 5EJ
Price FREE
Your local HASSRA committee invites you to join us for a scavenger hunt on Saturday 17th August. Participants are to meet at the Llangewydd Arms' car park in Broadlands, Bridgend ready for a 10:30am start. This is a teams event, for teams of 2-4, and is a car based event. All items listed are relatively small and manageable and we advise that car boots are cleared out to allow space. So how does it work?
Teams are invited to meet us at the pub car park from 10am where one member of each team will be given a list of items in a sealed envelope. All lists are identical and must remain sealed until instructed to open them. The list of items will range from those considered easier to obtain to those deemed a bit trickier. Teams will be given 2 hours to go out and gather as many of the items as they can, then head back to the pub car park to have their items checked and counted. All items will be returned to the teams once counted. Everyone is then invited to join us and step inside the pub for a social gathering (soft drinks for the drivers, of course!) There will be a small prize for the winning team (TBC.)
Those joining us for food/drinks do so at their own expense.
HASSRA is unable to cover the cost any fuel expenses incurred while gathering the items.
We strongly advise that no items are purchased solely for the sake of the event and HASSRA will not reimburse the cost of any items to members.
All items, if not the property of the team members, must be gathered with the knowledge and consent of the owners.