Halifax West End Golf Club - 12th August

Venue: Paddock Lane, Halifax HX2 0NT   

18 hole stableford competition

1st tee off: 11:30 a.m.

Full cost:

  • HASSRA member cost £18.00
  • £35 includes full English breakfast with Tea/Coffee on arrival (veggie/vegan options available - please state when booking )

Please make payment  to:

account name - Yorkshire and the Humber Golf Society

account No. 32081928

sort code: 52 - 30 - 11

Closing date for entries 02/08/24

Contact Neil Farmery (  secretary Y & H GS ) by email - nfarmery@hotmail.com

Know anyone who plays golf but doesn't attend Y & H GS events - please pass this on to them - Ladies, ladies, ladies we need you to join HASSRA Y & H GS - discounted golf, fresh air, plenty of steps towards your daily quota, good company - all contributing to your wellbeing and work/life balance.

N Farmery

Secretary Y & H GS
