Cricket Mixed Indoor

Cricket Mixed Indoor         

Date:  Thursday 28 November                               
Location:  The Cricket Asylum, Asquith Bottom Mill, Sowerby Bridge HX6 3BT     
Apply: Email the organiser (see below)
Closing Date:  Thursday 31st October

All participants must be HASSRA members and new members are welcome with all standards of players encouraged.

Teams are to comprise of 6 players with at least one player being female.

Individuals are encouraged to participate and we will place you into a team on the day.

All equipment will be provided.

Please ensure suitable clothing and footwear is worn.

Reasonable travel expenses are payable in line with the Y&H expenses guide

If a competitor has any special requirements (i.e. dietary) please include details when you apply via email to James to enter the competition.

The organiser will contact all participants at least five days prior to the event with directions to venue and any adjustments to details already advertised.

If you are interested please email our organiser James Myers at with the information below:

  • Name
  • e-mail address
  • HASSRA Membership number
  • Telephone number
  • Special Requirements

Not yet a HASSRA member? 1 minute is all it takes online. Visit www.­­hassra.­­org.­­uk for all the benefits you can receive for £2.50 a month!

For any questions please do not hesitate to contact James Myers at
