Attendance at National Festival to represent SW Hassra - 4th - 6th July 2025

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Date 1 Feb – 30 Apr 2025
Closing date for entries 29 Apr 2025
Category Festivals
Type Regional (South West)
Organiser Di Grossey
Phone 07890124017
Location University of Warwick, .., Coventry, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Price FREE
National Festival is where all 12 Hassra regions compete against each other in various team/individual activities. Its a weekend at the University of Warwick, where you will have great accommodation, great food and transport all this is provided free of charge to Hassra members.

July National Festival is on 4th -6th July . We are looking for people to attend to represent SW Hassra. If you would like to be part of this great opportunity please say below which sport/event you will be able to complete in. Please state your first, second and third choice (if you only want one sport just put in first choice - do not duplicate) put in preference order. We will then select team members with the help of our sports organisers.

The events are:- Archery, Badminton, Course Angling, Footgolf, Crown Green Bowls, Drama Workshop, GK Quiz, Gym Based Triathlon, Mens 5 aside Football, mixed Rounders, Pictionary, Tennis, wild swimming with paddle boarding. For men's football and mixed rounders teams participants will be pick by the Sports organiser. Please do not put the same event for all your choices and do not select volunteer. Volunteers need to reply to the National Email sent out on 20th January.