National Indoor Cricket Derby Mixed.

The closing date for entries for this event has passed. If you wish to attend please contact the event organiser for further advice.
Date 10 Sep – 27 Oct 2024
Closing date for entries 23 Sep 2024
Category Cricket
Type Regional (East of England)
Organiser Michelle Hodds
Phone 07500000000
Location Willows Sport Centre, 1 Willow Row, Derby, DE1 3NZ
Price FREE
Fancy your chances in competing at this year’s HASSRA’s national indoor cricket competition?
I am looking for 11 players to represent HASSRA East of England. It is a mixed team so all applications welcome.
Experience preferred, however not essential.
If there is an over subscription, a qualifier will be organised or the team will be selected by experience.

VENUE: Willows Sports Centre, Derby.
DATE: 25th-27th October 2024. Event will take place on 26th October.

HASSRA have already secured accommodation with breakfast, at the Leonardo Hotel Derby.
A lunch buffet will be provided at the event on the Saturday.
Travel costs can be reimbursed after the event, along with dinner costs. There will be a cost cut off for dinner costs, however if selected more information will be provided nearer the time.

Please ensure you are able to make the dates that have been advertised before registering your interest and you are confident you can make it.

BY 23rdSeptember